The Law Firm of Cohen and Bodo, LLC is celebrating its Anniversary!

Published on  Apr 26, 2018. Posted in News

Over the past four years, our attorneys have helped hundreds of injured men, women and children and their family members through some very difficult times. Over that same period, our firm has recovered in excess of $2,000,000.00 on behalf of our injured clients. We have proved successful in negotiating the majority of our cases without the need for litigation, but in those cases where litigation was required, we have also enjoyed success – our attorneys even won an appeal, which reversed a lower court’s earlier dismissal of the client’s case and ultimately led to a six-figure settlement.

We are proud of the fact that we continue to receive many case referrals from former clients, as well as from legal and medical professionals with whom we have worked over the years. We are grateful for the support of our community, our clients and our families.